If you could ask for anything in the world…
what would that be?
Everyone of us wants to “Be Well”, namely: healthy, wealthy, loved…
But, what we all have in common has to be tackled individually.
Each person has the challenge to become able to respond to life from one’s unique embodied perspective taking into account one’s specific context.
If you are looking for wellbeing you will have to be a meticulous scientist: to observe and experiment, as well as, a daring artist: to partake in Existence’s creativity.
I believe that we are as fragile as we are powerful and that by asking ourselves some very simple and fundamental questions a human life can blossom into a state of wellbeing.
We are the most mysterious riddle and this life is our big adventure.
Individual, Couple, Family, Group & Spanish TherapyPSYCHOTHERAPY & COUNSELING
When things are not working well for us we are not faulty machines but fragile and profoundly meaningful organisms as complex and paradoxical as the most mysterious riddle.
4 Seasons, 7 Greek Goddesses, The Swans, Las Lobas & 9 MusesWOMEN'S GROUP
Women’s Group is an exploration of our assumptions about the meaning of being women through a variety of awareness-intensive practices.
The Existential Adventure & Forest RetreatsEXISTENTIAL LABORATORY
Process of systematic existential enquiry committed creative production and spiritual expansion in a group of adventurers.
Advanced Existential Supervision, Unlocking Ourselves & ICTEPPRETREATS
Weekend retreat for men and women with Barbara GodoyRETREATS
Living together for a weekend to experience profound therapeutic work emphasizing personal growth, interpersonal sensitivity, a greater freedom, and spontaneity.
Are you a Practitioner interested in joining Therapy Harley Street?PROFESSIONAL THS MEMBERSHIP
Team support & shared philosophy under Bárbara’s guidance, the founder-director of Therapy Harley Street in the heart of London.
Join our 3 hour workshops for an introduction to the therapeutic group experienceWORKSHOPS
Working therapeutically in a group means to participate with the opening of every individual sprout until a forest is finally grown. And what a great joy a beautiful forest can be!
All day events at Therapy Harley Street, in the heart of LondonIN-TOUCH EVENTS
This immersive gathering bridges the gap between professional insight and community engagement, fostering an in-person space where ideas, experiences, and expertise seamlessly converge.